Saturday 21 February 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Nigerian Troops Recapture Baga From Boko Haram Insurgents

The Nigerian military have announced the recapture of the North-eastern community of Baga, Borno State.

The important border town was taken over by insurgent elements in January after killing residents and burning their houses to the ground.

The Defence Headquarters have, this afternoon, announced their victory over the rampaging insurgents who were said to have suffered high number of casualties in the fierce battle that ensued.

See tweet after the cut..:

During the Boko Haram siege, Amnesty International had accused the Nigerian government of receiving advanced warning of the attack without taking appropriate measures to repel it, an allegation which has been denied by the military.

The military also denied that up to 2,000 people died in the attack, peggingits figures at 150.

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