Tuesday 11 November 2014

Yobe state government shut down all schools in the state

Following the attack on Government Senior Science Secondary School in Potiskum yesterday by Boko Haram members which killed 47 students, Yobe state government today closed down all public and private schools in the state, indefinitely.

According to a statement released by the state's Commissioner for Education, the closure is with immediate effect.

Photos from Pres. Jonathan's Declaration @Eagles Square today

For those who didn't watch it live and care to see, here are some photos from President Jonathan's Declaration for 2015 re-election at Eagle Square, Abuja today. See more pics after the cut...

CAF drops Morocco as host of 2015 African Cup of Nations, throws out Morrocan team

The Confederation of African Football CAF today dropped Morocco as host of the 2015 African Cup of Nations which is billed to start from Jan 17th-Feb 9th 2015. At an executive committee meeting which held this morning in Cairo Egypt, CAF's leadership said the decision to drop Morocco was as a result of the Moroccan authority's request to postpone the competition due to Ebola fears.

Join the excitement on the #boostchallenge show with Toolz & other radio presenters..

Radio presenters across major radio stations in Nigeria are thrilling their listeners on the #BoostChallenge show courtesy Lucozade Boost.

We all need energy for our bodies and brains to keep up with the pace of work daily and Lucozade Boost is definitely a fast and safe way to re-energise our bodies.

Tune into Beat FM Lagos & Ibadan, Cool FM Lagos & Port Harcourt, Rainbow FM Lagos, Caritas FM Enugu, Sunrise FM Enugu, Rhythm FM Benin and “Press play on Radio” to participate in the exciting challenges for the day and stand a chance to win yourself wonderful prizes courtesy Lucozade Boost.
The conversation is seriously buzzing on Twitter; participate in the #BoostChallenge on Twitter and you could also win some of these lovely prizes Lucozade Boost has in store. 
Lucozade Boost, the credible everyday energy drink contains glucose, the preferred energy source for the body and is a product of GlaskoSmithKline. Enjoy your Lucozade Boost today and get everyday energy fast.