Wednesday 1 April 2015

Girl born with 'elephant trunk' deformity is worshipped like a god in India

A baby girl born on March 26th with a facial deformity is being worshiped in India like a god. Villagers near Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh in India, have flocked to see the 'divine' girl with the deformity resembling an elephant's trunk in the belief she is an incarnation of the elephant-headed god Ganesha.

According to Asian News, doctors told the villagers the girl's condition may well be a genetic mutation. The newborn's aunt, named as Rajani, told the news agency: "My sister-in-law gave birth to a girl and her face looks exactly like Lord Ganesha. Everybody is saying she is an incarnation of the god. This is why whoever hears about her is coming here to get a glimpse of the baby and are making whatever offerings possible."

Asian News reports that doctors said they will examine the girl to find out the extent of her condition and whether they need to operate. Doctors said the condition could be a genetic mutation triggered by malnutrition and increased pollution.

MC Galaxy displays bundles of dollars on instagram

That looks like over a 100 grand cash. That's serious...

Doctor tells Kim K she'll need to have "uterus removed" if she has another baby

Kim Kardashian got a shocking news from her fertility doctor - that she will need to have her uterus removed if she has another baby. In a preview clip from an upcoming episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kim told the camera;
"I’m trying to get a hold of Kanye, because I just came from my fertility doctor and they need me to go into surgery to clear out something in my uterus,” she told the cameras.
She later gets hold of Kanye and shares the shocking news with hi. What she told Kanye after the cut

Photo: Another fallen hero

Major A. Hassan was killed on Sunday March 29 by Boko Harram men that attacked Bauchi state. He was the flush commander of 33 artillery Brigade, Bauchi. May his soul rest in peace, amen.

President Jonathan meets with EU observers, praised for conceding defeat

President Jonathan had a closed door meeting with members of the European Union Observers group at the presidential villa earlier today. The group, led by Mr Santiago Fassi, praised President Jonathan for conceding defeat after loosing in the 2015 presidential election. The group said Pres. Jonathan is a true symbol of democracy and is worthy of emulation not just by other African leaders but all leaders in the world.

Patience Jonathan calls on Nigerian women to support Mrs Buhari

First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan has called on all Nigerian women to show support to the incoming first lady, Mrs Aisha Buhari. In a congratulatory message signed by her media aide, Ayo Adewuyi, Mrs Jonathan wished Mrs Buhari well in her new task as First Lady of Nigeria...
“The First Lady Dame Patience Jonathan (Mama Peace) has congratulated the wife of the President elect, Hajia Aisha Buhari on the election of her husband, Gen Muhammadu Buhari. The First Lady appeals to the Nigerian women to work with Hajia Aisha Buhari and give her the maximun support to make her succeed in her new assignment. The First Lady (Mama Peace) wishes her well in her new task.” the message read in part

Obasanjo writes Gen. Buhari a letter

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has written the President elect, Gen Buhari a letter. In the letter, Chief Obasanjo charged Gen. Buhari to embark on reforming all of Nigeria's national institutions, particularly the military. The full text of the letter below...
I hasten to congratulate you on your success and victory in the Presidential Elections of March 28, 2015. Your success and victory after three previous unsuccessful attempts must be great object lessons for you and for all politicians, particularly in Nigeria. For me, the totality of 2015 elections hold many lessons for our democracy and democratisation process, which are both maturing. On this occasion, the system has been unnecessarily overheated before and particularly during the campaigns when emphasis was more on trivialities and hate, divisive, undignifying and disrespectful statements and comments rather than on pressing issues requiring attention.

‘This is the 1st birthday I’m celebrating with lots of money in my bank account’ - Skales

Music artist, Skales is a year older today (24years) - April 1st, 2015 and he shared some words to his fans on instagram, on how far he has come. He wrote;
'By this time last year I was at a hotels balcony I told God all I wanted was success....and honestly he blessed me..everyone dat knows ma story can see how obvious this blessings are...I keep rising everyday!!! This is the first birthday am celebrating with lots of money in my bank account and Alota side attractions hehe...God has been so faithful to me and am very grateful...happy 24th birthday to me...I love yall!". Happy Birthday to him!

Student gets rejected from University & she writes them a rejection letter rejecting their

17yr old  Siobhan O'Dell from North Carolina applied to study at Duke University in her home state and got rejected. The school's admissions department sent her a letter on March 26th telling her she'd failed to make the grade. After she got a rejection letter from them, she refused to take no for an answer & sent them a letter of her own, rejecting their rejection. See the letter above. Quite hilarious

Biko, what's going on in this photo?

Can someone please explain what's going on here? Picture from somewhere in Kano State.

Supporters Throng Ambode's Office To Celebrate APC Victory

Change is in the air. It is a new dawn and all over the country, people are getting caught up in the excitement and expectation. This was evident today as supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Lagos thronged the campaign secretariat of the party's governorship candidate in Gbagada, Lagos to celebrate the party's victory in the presidential elections. 

The large crowd of supporters danced & sang songs of victory and repeatedly chanted "Sai Nigeria", "Sai Baba", and "Ambo", the slogan of Akinwunmi Ambode.

Check out Jega's signature...hehe

For those who think his time is long....check out his

Photo from the smoke incident at MMIA Lagos this afternoon

There was a minor smoke incident at the "E" arrival wing of the International terminal of the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, Lagos at about 1.13pm today, Wednesday , April 1st. The smoke was quickly traced to some offices at the E wing on the ground floor of the terminal by a combined team of FAAN’s electrical engineers and fire officers. Investigations has commenced to ascertain the cause of the fire.

The airport authority in a statement said the traveling public and other airport users were in no immediate danger as a result of the incident and neither did it affect flight operations at the terminal. More photos after the cut...

Misao Okawa, world's oldest person dies today at 117

Japanese woman, Misao Okawa, who is said to be the world's oldest person, died today April 1st, just a few weeks after celebrating her 117th birthday. (she's pictured above at her 116th birthday last year)

Misao died of heart failure & stopped breathing while surrounded by her family at her Osaka nursing home this morning. "She went so peacefully, as if she had just fallen asleep." her caregiver said

Photos: PDP burial procession in Kaduna

APC supporters commenced a PDP burial procession from Tudun Wada area of Kaduna this morning at about 11am. They are heading to Murtala square. While the euphoric activity has been generally peaceful, they did harass a few motorists on the Western Bypass which is on their route.

Photos: The March for Endometriosis

On March 21st 2015, women battling endometriosis and their supporters in Lagos took a walk in Lagos against endometriosis. The goal was to drive awareness about endometriosis and the lifelong effects it has on both women of all ages, to educate people on the importance of early diagnosis as it is fundamental in winning the battle against endometriosis. 

Photos: Pregnant Tiwa Savage, P-Square, Flavour at Dance Afrique 2015

A very beautiful pregnant Tiwa Savage pictured at the Dance Afrique Event that held at SSE Wembly in the UK last week. Photos of P-square after the cut...

Photos: Youths in Borno parade mock coffin of PDP

Youths in Borno state were seen this morning carrying a mock PDP coffin. They proceeded to the Gwange Cemetery where they said they intend to bury the mock coffin.

Photo: See what some people are doing in Abuja this morning

Some Buhari supporters seen this morning in the Gwagwalada  area of Abuja carrying small caskets wrapped with PDP logos...

Watch President Jonathan's concession speech

President Jonathan says nobody's ambition is worth the blood of any Nigerian. He really is the hero in all this. He ensured that Nigerians had the freedom to chose who they wanted as their president.

MEND congratulates Buhari

The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, MEND, has sent out a congratulatory message to President-elect, Gen Buhari. In a statement signed by the groups spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo, MEND said the emergency of Buhari would help Nigeria regain her peace and unity
“The Nigerian people have spoken and elected General Mohammadu Buhari to be the next President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In doing so, we have not only made the right choice of a new leadership, we have also reaffirmed the strength of our democracy. President-elect, General Buhari’s message of hope, freedom and opportunity resonates with our group, as it does with the Nigerian people. In these difficult times, with the economic crisis and security challenges, we are confident that under your leadership, Nigeria will once again regain its peace and unity" the statement read

Photos: Kylie Jenner steps out in double denim

The 17 year old, who is gradually turning into a fashionista, stepped out in a denim skirt & matching crop top to go shopping in Beverly Hills yesterday Tuesday March 31. See more photos after the cut..

Elvina Ibru opens up on why she doesn't want to get married, also says she only dates younger men

In this interview exclusive to LIB, Elvina Ibru, business woman & one of the daughters of billionaire businessman Olorogun Michael Ibru, opened up about why she doesn't want to get married, how the society pressures women into bad marriages. She also talked about having a child out of wedlock and also explains why she only dates younger men. Interesting interview. Read below...

With Buhari’s victory, I’ll surely go on exile – Chief Bode George

Following the emergency of Gen Buhari as the new President of Nigeria, former Deputy National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Chief Bode George says he may be going on exile.
"What will I be doing here? I can decide to go and live anywhere. Look at everyone surrounding him (Buhari). So, I am not joking about it, what will I be doing here? At 70, what will I be doing here? All we have been doing to restructure the country has been lost. We have been trying to ensure balance in the polity but all that has gone. What else will I be doing here?” he told Vanguard

Identical triplets marry on the same day at the same time - and yes the grooms did get confused

29 year old triplets, Rafaela, Rochele and Tagiane Bini from Passo Fundo, southern Brazil, tied the knot same day at the same ceremony, wore the same wedding dress, as well as hair style and make up and confused not just their guests but also their grooms who also looked strikingly similar.
The only way guests could distinguish one bride from the other at the ceremony on Saturday was the different colour of bouquet they carried. Even the grooms - Rafael, Gabriel & Eduardo, said they had worried they might mix up their wives-to-be when it came to exchanging vows. One of the grooms, Rafael, who married Rafaela, told how the girls sometimes deliberately confused their fiances.

Orubebe apologizes for his behaviour yesterday, says he regrets it

Former Niger Delta Affairs Minister Elder Godsday Orubebe has apologised for his behaviour at the collation centre in Abuja yesterday morning. Speaking with reporters last night, the PDP party agent, who held up proceedings and used abusive words on Jega, said he regretted his action and asked Nigerian to forgive his behaviour.
”Election is a passionate thing and I really regret what took place this morning. I was unnecessarily pushed by Jega to get to that level. I want to apologise particularly to young Nigerians that look up to take politics as a career to say that what happened was
not intended to cause them any embarrassment. 

Presidential election result: PDP says it would be heading to the tribunal

The ruling party, PDP says it would be challenging the results of the 2015 Presidential election. Dr Bello Fadile, the PDP agent who refused to sign the result sheet when called up by INEC Chairman, Prof Jega, told journalists in Abuja this morning that his signing the result sheet was inconsequential as they will be heading to court
"Whether I sign it (the result sheet) or I don’t sign it,  does not make any difference. It doesn’t invalidate the result‎. When we go to court, then we can challenge the result,” he said.

Prof. Jega officially declares Buhari winner of the 2015 presidential election

Come May 29, 2015, Nigeria will have a new president in the person of Gen. Mohammed Buhari. INEC chairman Prof. Jega just declared him winner of the 2015 presidential election having certified the requirements of the law and scored the highest number of votes in the election. Congrats Nigeria for a peaceful 2015 election. God bless President Jonathan for conceding. God bless Nigeria!

Final results of the 2015 presidential elections - Buhari wins

As announced by Prof Attahiru Jega, chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission...
"14 candidates, fielded by 14 political parties participated in the election. We'd like to announce the votes for each party"
Acredited voters - 31,756,490
AA - 22, 125
ACPN - 40,311
AP - 30,673
ADC - 29,666
APA - 53,537
APC - 15,424,921
CPP -, 36,300
HOPE - 7,435
KOWA - 13,076
NCP - 24, 455
PDP - 12,853,162
PPN - 24,475
UDP - 9,208
UPP - 18,220
Total valid votes - 28,587,564
Rejected votes - 844, 519
Total  - 29,432,083

Photo: PDP agent refuses to sign the Presidential election result sheet

After announcing the presidential election results, Prof. Jega called all party agents to come on stage at the collation center and sign the Presidential election sheet by INEC, and every agent did except the agent for PDP. He climbed the stage, spoke with Jega, shook his hands and walked away without signing the result sheet.